Chiropractic Care Charleston

We incorporate chiropractic techniques to relieve pain and help patients maintain their overall health.  Chiropractic relaxes tightened muscles and allows the spine to retain its natural curve.

If muscles are tight, they can pull the spine out of alignment. A misalignment can limit range of motion which, in turn, creates more pain symptoms and will eventually result in nerve damage. A misalignment can also cause pinched nerves which lowers nerve function. All nerves are connected to the spinal column which runs through your spine. The weight of a dime can cause reduced function in nerves, muscles, ligaments and even vital organs.


Christopher J. Gray, DC, CCEP

Read what our patients are saying

- Goose Creek office "I am thankful that I found AHC.  They were able to help me recover from the pain I was having and improve my mobility.  They have earned my trust by using advanced treatments to get me up and running.  Great team makes the dream work!" ...more
- “I had been walking with a cane for about two years. Four weeks ago when I started treatments with Dr. Gray, I could hardly walk because my back had locked up. After a couple of treatments my husband noticed I was getting around much better. I've seen continual improvement and am walking without my cane. My Husband started treatments after I did and he is also feeling much better and continues to improve. We recommend Dr. Gray to people every chance we get.” -A. Clarence ...more