Chiropractic Care Charleston

We incorporate chiropractic techniques to relieve pain and help patients maintain their overall health.  Chiropractic relaxes tightened muscles and allows the spine to retain its natural curve.

If muscles are tight, they can pull the spine out of alignment. A misalignment can limit range of motion which, in turn, creates more pain symptoms and will eventually result in nerve damage. A misalignment can also cause pinched nerves which lowers nerve function. All nerves are connected to the spinal column which runs through your spine. The weight of a dime can cause reduced function in nerves, muscles, ligaments and even vital organs.


Christopher J. Gray, DC, CCEP

Read what our patients are saying

- “In November of 2012 my Hips started to hurt causing severe pain. I saw a surgeon for the pain and he told me that one of my ribs was poking a nerve on my right side so he wanted to take out one of my ribs and replace it with mesh that is then attached to the ribs and the spine. He said that should correct the problem and my hips would quit hurting. I did not like the idea of having surgery so I sought other options. I heard about Advantage Health Care from my son who is also a patient of Dr. Gray. I started coming to Advantage Health Care in May of 2013 and they have helped me tremendously in the three and a half weeks that I have been there. In these last three and a half weeks I have noticed that I do not hurt any more, I can move around normally, I am not hunched over, I am not limping, and I can sleep peacefully at night. My family has even told me on more than one occasion that they notice a big difference in my life and they are happy because of the change Dr. Gray made in my life. I thank Dr. Gray for the wonderful job he is doing and will continue my care with him.” -C. Harwell ...more
- “For years I woke up every hour or two all night. I began treatment with Advantage Healthcare two months ago for spinal problems and lack of sleep. For the last two weeks I have been sleeping five hours straight before waking! There is a female patient who started care around the same time I did who always used a cane when walking. For the first time I witnessed her walk across the room without the cane! Now she doesn’t even carry it with her. She walks fine! More evidence that I am in the right place!” –N. Gray ...more