Knee Pain Relief Without Pain Pills

knee pain relief

More often than not, a physician’s first course of action for knee pain relief has been writing a prescription for pain pills.  However, the country’s current opioid crisis has focused on other types of medical pain relief options, including joint injections and physical therapy.   Let’s take a closer look at how these two treatments are used for knee pain relief.

Joint Injections

Joint injections are becoming more widely prescribed for medical pain relief.  Advantage Healthcare of Charleston has found great success in using hyaluronate injections for knee pain relief.  Hyaluronate is a gel-like substance designed to act as a lubricant and shock absorber within the knee joint.  Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that provides lubrication and cushioning of the joints and bones. Osteoarthritis causes the knee’s own cartilage to thin over time, thus providing less lubrication and protection.  Hyaluronic acid has proven very successful in knee pain relief.  The hyaluronate is administered in three to five injections given once a week in the affected knee. Most patients report that joint injections offer knee pain relief for up to six months.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often prescribed in conjunction with joint injections and other medical pain relief treatments.  Strengthening the calf muscles, improving flexibility and increasing overall strength are all important factors in helping promote knee pain relief.  Advantage Healthcare of Charleston has a team of qualified physical therapy professionals to help you with exercises and techniques designed to strengthen the knee joint and surrounding areas.

If you are in need of medical pain relief and desire options other than pain pills, our physicians and physical therapy professionals can help.  We will assess your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan designed to help you achieve a pain-free life!