Why Do I Keep Gaining Weight?

medical weight loss

Weight gain is a struggle most people face at some point in their lives.  Even individuals who were fit in their 20s can find it difficult to not pack on the pounds once they hit 40. And, there are those who have struggled with weight gain their entire lives. Fad diets may be popular, but they are usually unhealthy, often fail, and can become a source of tension and frustration. If you find you are gaining weight and unable to shed excess pounds, then a medical weight loss program can help.

Advantage Healthcare of Charleston offers a variety of safe and effective medical weight loss options.  Our weight loss physician will meet with you and discuss your eating and exercise habits, history of weight gain, medical issues and gather other pertinent information to help determine the best medical weight loss plan for you.

Causes of Weight Gain

Your medical weight loss physician will first work to determine what might be causing your weight gain.  Some medical reasons you may be gaining weight include:

  • Thyroid issues
  • Diabetes
  • Medications, including corticosteroids
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Aging
  • Hormonal Imbalances

In addition, your medical weight loss physician will also examine your lifestyle to determine what may be impacting your weight, including:

  • Stress
  • Work habits
  • Eating habits
  • Exercise routines
  • Depression

Your medical weight loss physician will complete your evaluation then discuss medical weight loss treatment plan options with you.  Weight gain can cause a plethora of problems, including high blood pressure, stroke and type 2 diabetes as well as contribute to back, hip and knee pain.  Addressing it now can prevent numerous health problems in the future.  Why wait? Contact us to make your medical weight loss appointment today!